The film tells the story of a young man recovering from a troubled past of drug abuse and a scarring prison experience brought on by years of terrifying nightmares and hallucinations about a tall faceless being called the "Slender Man" after the mysterious disappearance of his father.
Upon visiting his childhood home to take care of his ill mother while his negligent step-father leaves town on business, the man's thirst to decipher the mystery behind his father's disappearance is rekindled when he is reunited with an old broken pocket-watch that his father gave him just before vanishing.
Complications arise when he once again begins to suffer from vivid nightmares, hallucinations, and unexplainable memory loss which lead to his discovery that the Slender Man is somehow linked to his missing father. He begins to find himself in the middle of a deep terrifying ancient puzzle, hunted by an unknown old man Hell-bent on reclaiming the pocket-watch, as well as the Slender Man himself.
After looking at the website and checking out some of the videos, I really think this is a great film to support. Obviously looking at the "Found Footage" type film however we all know that most of us will watch it and some of them will surprise us. I think this film will be one of them!!
Here are a few of the encounters caught on video!!
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