
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Be part of a Global Zombie Apocalypse Film!!! VIRUS OF THE DEAD!!

Be a Part of HORROR film History

Tom H’s Blog of Horror along with Matt Wagner of Club After Dark will be directing and starring in a really cool short film that will be submitted to the VIRUS OF THE DEAD mosaic type film! Below are the guidelines and information; This idea is pure genius and will be fucking awesome to be part of!!

Virus of the Dead
The Zombie Movie
Be part of Horror Film History!

·       Wanted Established and upcoming Actors and Filmmakers.
·       Direct your own short zombie film!
·       Virus of the Dead will be the first Zombie film to be  filmed using smartphones, webcams and video log accounts.
·       Showing the effects of the zombie apocalypse across the globe in one big mosaic movie.

This will give a scary and realistic take to the zombie film genre!

Everyone involved with Virus of the Dead is passionate about indie film making, Virus of the Dead hopes to inspire other film makers, showing that everyone who has access to video capturing devices such as mobile/cellphones and webcams can be creative using technology in the palm of their hands.

The film will be put forward to film festivals, and later released in two formats, a Black and White  version suitable for 15+  and an 18 rated version which will be in colour.

The two versions will have around fifteen minutes of  extra alternate footage

For the first time you can submit footage for a zombie film from the comfort of your own home!

This is the first time a zombie film has been made this way we are making film history and we would love for you to be a part of it!

How to be a part of this film!

We are looking for 2-5 minute clips filmed with either smartphones or webcams. to be considered for inclusion for the final film, if your clip is chosen your name  will be featured in the final credits of the film and IMDB listing page.

If you want to be part of horror film history just send over your 2-5 minute clip filmed using video capture devices from your cellphone or webcam.

DSLR footage will be considered but will only make up a total of %5-10 of the final film.

More than one person can feature on screen, please have the consent of any extra’s for the submission.

You can be a survivor talking to the camera, a loved one or even create a video log account on the day the zombie apocalypse strikes, be creative, you can use props, make up or even just make yourself up as a zombie and look at the camera, or devour some pretend flesh on screen, you can send in multiple submissions.

Regarding content submissions for Virus of the Dead

Be Creative, the whole film is a found footage Zombie film!

Anyone can provide content  for our consideration for the film!

So talking to the direct to your camera as a progressive video log, to a relative  or a friend on webcam or ether with your smartphone, a message to the police, a message to a loved one, or footage of a zombie attack.

It could be you walking or running away from zombies, or entering an unsafe environment, or even being attacked by rogue survivors!

You can basically do whatever you want so be creative! as long as the zombies are slow, and they can only be killed by destroying the brain, though the footage doesn’t have to feature zombies themselves!

The infection will hit pretty fast, so it will take between 1-5 minutes to turn into a zombie after being infected/bitten.

You can submit more than one video and also a different scenario, if you go over by a few minutes that’s fine!

As we are going back to people throughout the film itself!

If anyone wants suggestions or for us to write a mini script please get in touch!

Be creative!

You will be notified  as soon as possible if you will be featured in the final film!

please help spread the Virus of the Dead.

Submissions close on the 20th of December 2014.

email submissions to or
Some guidelines on the film!

This film is not a comedy, it is a non stop action packed realistic take on the zombie apocalypse.

The zombies are slow.

They can only be killed by completely destroying the brain itself.

The infection spreads quickly between 1-5 minutes – but could depend on the host and who knows some people may be immune!

No one knows what caused the virus in the first place and no one will find out in this film.

There is not a cure at this stage!

At first people are told to stay in doors then, camps were set up by the governments across the globe to help the virus from spreading further, It is mandatory to go into the camps, but not everyone will be willing to do so.

The film will be packed with blood, guts, gore and much much more!

Please Hold Your Phone SIDEWAYS When Shooting Video

We want Landscape, Horizontal shots where possible!

If you are an actor, film maker, effects artist, distributor, investing, production company, artist or musician who would like to become part of this very exciting project please  contact  –
distributor or media please contact –
We Look forward to going through submissions, a big thank you to all of you have got in touch so far, we look forward to working with you on this exciting project!

- The Virus of the Dead team

for more information contact-  or

Please help spread the Virus of the Dead

Join our official group!

like our Facebook page and keep up to date on news from the film.

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