
Friday, March 28, 2014

Movie Review: "Happy Camp" by Josh Anthony


In 2012 I ran across a film called “Happy Camp” directed by Josh Anthony; my contact at first was Michael Barbuto, one of the stars and producers of this film. The story was intriguing and the clip made it seem even more awesome! And now it’s time I do my review!

The story is about a guy named Michael Tanner (Michael Barbuto) returns to the town in which he once lived with his adoptive parents 20 years prior.  The story is his brother was taken by someone or something and Michael can’t remember any of the events that happened; the town people seem to be trying to get Michael and his friends to leave after they realize who he is and the reason that they are there. Michael begins to unravel as they stay in Happy Camp while his friends (Josh Anthony, Anne Taylor, Teddy Gilmore) are worrying and wanting to leave they finally come face to face with Michael’s past!

Now that’s the story- Here’s is my take on the film! I am not big on rushing a story so it fit within my guidelines of build up; I do however want to get some glimpses of what may or may not be happening. “Happy Camp” gives you the story and shows you a little glimpse that something isn’t right as it all unfolds. Is it really different from other found footage films? No; not really but the ending was pretty cool; not completely expected but yet it was. Great effects and camera angles! My only negative with “Happy Camp” is the fact they didn’t have more kills!!

This was a pretty damn good film that I will recommend to others; I have sections that I save my favorite films and once I get a hard copy of this film it will get put in my library as well!! Job well done guys!

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